While we all focus on cleaning our teeth, it can be easy to accidentally overlook our gums. But World Gum Health Day aims to raise awareness of the importance of looking after our gums. This year, there is a special focus on those in “Generation Z”, with this generation more susceptible to having gum problems. Therefore, this is an important day for us all.

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As those in “Generation Z” prepare for adulthood, health experts are trying to instil a reminder of the importance of our gum health.

The gums are often overlooked, but play a key role in our overall health. For younger people, getting into good oral habits can help enormously with their overall health.

This reminder has come as part of World Gum Health Day, which provides the chance to raise awareness of the importance of looking after our gums [1].

Generation Z and Oral Health

Generation Z are known to be those who were born in the late 1990s to the early 2000s. Therefore, those in this generation are typically in their early adult years.

This generation has grown up with significant change in the world. While this is mainly around technological change, our lifestyle habits have also changed a lot.

This generation has been affected by changing diets. Mainly, the world has seen a rise in sugary diets, which has resulted in declining oral health [2].

Therefore, this generation is more susceptible to oral health conditions. This extends to gum issues – with gum disease becoming a significant problem in oral healthcare.

This generation is also known to be vulnerable to psychiatric disorders, such as Depression and Anxiety [3]. As a result, antidepressant usage has surged. One of the most common side effects of these drugs is dry mouth – which contributes to worsening oral health.

Overall, there are many issues impacting the oral health of those in this generation. Therefore, looking after the gums is important.

World Gum Health Day

World Gum Health Day was initially launched in 2014 by the European Federation of Periodontology (EFP) [1]. The EFP is a non-profit organization that is dedicated to promoting awareness of the importance of gum health to the public.

The aim of the day is to raise awareness of the importance of gum health. This is part of the wider approach towards affirming the vital role of oral health to our overall health.

The EFP organize this day annually, and aim to inform the public about the impact that gum disease can have. The gums are often overlooked due to their positioning next to the teeth – which usually get more attention.

There are different types of conditions that impact the gum – including Gingivitis, Periodontitis, and Peri-implantitis [1]. These all have the potential to be debilitating.

Dr. Mia Rakic is the co-ordinator of World Gum Health Day 2024, and has explained why this year was targeted at those in Generation Z [1]. Rakic said that this group “are not necessarily aware of the role played by their gum health in their overall health, so they may feel less concerned about them” [1].

Rakic went on to say that the campaign will help those in Generation Z to “recognize the pivotal role their gums play in self-esteem and overall wellbeing” [1].

Furthermore, Rakic explains that they aim to “inspire young people to lead a positive change in how society views gum health, emphasizing its importance beyond oral hygiene” [1].

The dangers of Gum Disease

The need for this day is clear – gum disease is a big issue in society. Moreover, it is linked to several physical health conditions too.

For example, gum disease is linked to diabetes, heart disease, stroke, kidney disease, arthritis, Alzheimer’s disease and other systemic conditions [1]. Evidently, looking after our gums is crucial, and can lessen the chances of being diagnosed with any of the above conditions.

Then there is also obviously the connection between gum disease and other oral health problems. Gum disease often runs alongside tooth decay, which can result in cavities developing.

Gum disease often results in redness of the gums, soreness and inflammation. This can make it very painful to eat and drink, or even talk. If left entirely untreated, it can lead to bone degradation and eventual tooth loss.

Therefore, the gums have a profound impact on our day-to-day lives. This is something that those in Generation Z need to give particular focus to, due to how they are more susceptible to oral health conditions.


World Gum Health Day is an important campaign. Gum health is crucial for everyone, and there are things that we can all do to aid our gums.

But for those in Generation Z, gum health should be something specifically targeted. Due to the enhanced risks, looking after the gums becomes more important than ever before.

By looking after our gums, it can aid our oral health. As always, by having strong oral health, it also impacts our overall health in a positive way.

Thinking points…

[1] Gum disease is very common. One of its issues is that it develops over a long period of time. Fortunately, dentists are trained to be able to assist. Therefore, attending regular dental appointments will allow a dentist to look at your oral health, and look for any signs of gum disease. We urge you to book an appointment now!

[2] Do you know anyone that is part of Generation Z? If so, you could share this article with them, as it contains some really useful information. This can help their oral health, and remind them of the importance of looking after their gums. If you have children, you could use this article to start a discussion about gums and wider oral health. We recommend sharing the article now!

What we offer at Taradale Dental

Taradale Dental is a dental clinic based in Calgary, Alberta, Canada. At our Calgary dental clinic, we provide a range of services for our patients.

We advise our patients to attend our Calgary dental clinic at least twice per year for a regular dental check-up. At these check-ups, we provide a comprehensive review of a patient’s oral health. If any problems are detected, we have many treatments available. For example, these include cavity fillings and root canals. To strengthen your oral health, we recommend brushing your teeth at least twice a day and flossing regularly.

Here at Taradale Dental, we also have some cosmetic treatments available! These include dental implants, teeth whitening and Invisalign™! Our patients find that these treatments have a positive impact on their appearance, confidence and self-esteem.

Moreover, the fees of our treatments at our Calgary dental clinic Taradale Dental are set in line with the Alberta Dental Fee Guide. This ensures transparent and fair pricing, with no hidden costs.

We hope to see you soon at our Taradale Dental clinic in Calgary! You can find out more about us by visiting our website https://taradaledental.ca/!


[1] European Federation of Periodontology. (2024). Why Generation Z must embrace gum health. https://www.efp.org/fileadmin/uploads/efp/Documents/Press/pressrelGHD24_22.04.24.pdf.

[2] Popkin, B. M., & Hawkes, C. (2016). The sweetening of the global diet, particularly beverages: patterns, trends and policy responses for diabetes prevention. Lancet. 4 (2): p174-186. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016%2FS2213-8587(15)00419-2.

[3] Buckley, N., Glasson, E. J., Chen, W., et al. (2020). Prevalence estimates of mental health problems in children and adolescents with intellectual disability: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Australian & New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry. 54 (10). DOI: https://doi.org/10.1177/0004867420924101.