The Canadian Dental Benefit has reached an impressive milestone – with 300,000 Canadians having now accessed the benefit. This has helped to improve the oral health of many children. The next benefit period is upcoming and the Federal Government is preparing the next stages of the overall National Dental Plan.

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The Canadian Dental Benefit has reached a milestone, with 300,000 Canadians having now benefited [1]. This number underlines how useful the benefit has been to Canadians.

The focus of the dental benefit has been to give access to dentistry for those that would previously not get such access. Therefore, the benefit is having a very positive effect on the oral health of Canadians.

What is the dental benefit?

The dental benefit was initially rolled out on December 1st – with it taking just over 6 months for this milestone to have been met.

The benefit is for low or middle-income families with a child or children aged 12 or under. Eligible families can receive up to $650 per child, per year, towards the cost of dental care [2].

The Canadian government are launching a wider national dental plan, with this benefit being the precursor to this. The plan was created as part of the supply and confidence agreement between the Liberal Party and the New Democratic Party.

New milestone

Health Canada announced that by the end of May, over 300,000 children had benefited from the dental benefit [1]. Health Canada mentioned that 300,000 children have got “brighter smiles and healthier teeth” due to the plan [1].

This milestone comes at a time when the first benefit period is approaching its conclusion. The first period will be ending on 30th June 2023. Therefore, to qualify for the benefit in this period, children will have needed to have received dental care between October 1st 2022 and 30th June 2023.

The next steps

The second benefit period will commence on 1st July 2023 and will end on 30th June 2024 [1]. This provides an entire year for children to receive the care.

As has been the case this year, families that meet the eligibility criteria will be able to receive up to $650 per child towards dental fees. The exact amount that will be received will be dependent on household income [1].

The benefit presents an excellent opportunity for families to get dental care for their children. It is very important to instil strong oral health habits in children, as this can help them maintain such habits throughout their life.

The bigger picture

The benefit is an important part of the effort from the Federal Government to improve access to dental care for Canadians. While at first it is children that are the beneficiaries, over time, the benefit will be opened to a larger number of people.

The government is certainly committing many resources and finances towards the plan. For example, in the announcement of Budget 2023, the government announced an investment of $13billion over a period of five years [1].

Moreover, the government has also committed $4.4billion towards implementing the new Canadian National Dental Plan [1]. As mentioned earlier, this will benefit the entire Canadian population, rather than just children.

This plan’s predicted start is by the end of 2023. Furthermore, the aim is for the plan to be fully implemented by the end of 2025. While it will take time, the hope is that Canadians all over the nation will benefit.

The importance of oral health should never be underestimated. Improved oral health is something that we should all strive for. This can keep your dental health strong and help to prevent physical health conditions too.

Thinking points…

(1) Many people find the cost of dental care to be prohibitive. Therefore, many are unable to access oral care, which has resulted in the creation of the dental benefit. However, here at our Calgary dental clinic Taradale Dental, our prices are set in line with the Alberta Dental Fee Guide. This means that our fees are fully transparent and reliable. If you wanted to find out more about us, you can take a look at our website!

(2) You might be tempted to wait for the dental benefit to expand before making your next dental appointment. However, it is very important that you attend a dental clinic for a check-up soon, as early detection of problems is crucial. By attending a check-up, a dentist can carry out a review of your oral health and provide you with advice and treatment if needed. We suggest that you attend a dental clinic at least once every six months. We recommend making an appointment soon!

What we offer at Taradale Dental

Taradale Dental is a Calgary dental clinic that provide its patients with a wide range of dental treatment options and advice aimed at improving their oral health.

It is crucial to brush your teeth at least twice a day and to floss regularly. Moreover, eating healthily and trying to avoid sugary foods and drink is important.

We advise our patients to attend our Calgary-based dental clinic twice a year for a regular dental check-up. When problems are detected, we have many treatments available. For instance, these include cavity fillings and root canals.

Here at Taradale Dental, we also have some cosmetic treatments available! These include dental implants, tooth whitening and Invisalign™! Many people find that these treatments have a positive impact on their appearance, confidence and self-esteem.

In addition, all of our services at our Calgary dental clinic Taradale Dental are in line with the Alberta Dental Fee Guide.

We would love you to visit our Taradale Dental clinic in Calgary! You can find out more about us by visiting our website


[1] Health Canada. (2023). 300,000 children with healthier teeth thanks to the Canada Dental Benefit. Available: Last accessed: 8th June 2023.

[2] Ontario Dental Association. (2022). Canadian Dental Care Plan. Available: Last accessed: 8th June 2023.